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Monday, July 23, 2007

What? Different?

So, today, I received a postcard from the ye olde British Isles with a picture of the ye olde Robert the Bruce and on the back, written in 72-point Castellar font itallic, the words "Great Scot!" Hahahahaha!

Being the parent of children representing both of the major genders, I receive, as the January 20, 1992 TIME magazine cover above so skillfully illustrates, keen insights into the obvious - that they are different. And yet, every time I notice this, I am amazed by it.

We did not train our boys to be simple-headed clods, concerned only with catching snakes, beating upon each other's person, and exploring philosophically the habits and tendencies of "bad guys." And yet, they behave this way.

I ask them, "Boys, wouldn't you like to play quietly, or merely sit and contemplate the eternal verities?" "No, let's rough-house!" Jeff pipes up, "I want to rough-house!"

I ask them, "Would you like me to read to you from the Illiad, which is usually ascribed to Homer?" "No, let's go catch snakes." Jeff pipes up, "I want to rough-house!"

Conversly, we did not train our daughter to be emotionally complex, consumed with the importance of changing shoes at least once an hour, the absolute necessity of cheerfully greeting everyone in the morning, or that being on the same continent as a bug, or any random assemblage of material even remotely resembling a bug, is a fate worse than death itself. And yet, she behaves this way.

Thank God for variety. And Jeff pipes up, "I want to rough-house!"


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