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Thursday, March 29, 2007

You decide

In preparation for my attempt next week to execute the civic obligation of jury duty, I watched the movie 12 Angry Men. Y'all seen this one? I watched the 1957 version this time, with Henry Fonda.

In theory, this should be the most boring film ever made (except, perhaps, for this one about Napoleon). A full 93 out of the film's 95 minutes are spent in a jury deliberation room and the "action" consists of nothing more than discussion, although some of it is quite animated at times. It is a supposedly open-and-shut murder case, but one holdout on the jury needs some more time to think it over.

But theory aside, it is one of the most interesting films I've seen. It is an excellent case study on the effects of bias, prejudice, and complacence on the critical thinking process. The scripting is insightful, the directing is clever, and the acting is like none you'll see today. The music and photography is a little silly, but hey, it was 1957 and Mr. Bruckheimer and Mr. Zimmer hadn't come around to set the standard yet.

Of course, some people suggested I merely get out of jury duty by making rash statements indicating that I harbored negative feelings towards certain racial or ethnic groups, or that I was in favor of the death penalty for most everything, including jaywalking. I don't know...we'll see.


Blogger Claire said...

OOoo- ooo! I've seen it! It was several years ago, but I remember it was good! I was quite skeptical when Brad picked it out- it did look like it was going to be a yawner- but I was quickly enthralled...

3/29/2007 08:47:00 PM  
Blogger lis said...

Loved it!

3/30/2007 07:18:00 AM  
Blogger TripleNine said...

Ditto to the previous comments. I'm not sure if I picked it out or was required to watch it for school, but I do remember really liking it.

Hope I never get picked for jury duty, especially since I AM in favor of at least chopping the legs off jaywalkers. :)

4/02/2007 08:33:00 PM  
Blogger Laughter said...

oy vey, such violence!


4/03/2007 07:51:00 PM  

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