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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Forget the Hospital

This afternoon, I was driving with Jonathon and James (trainee-agents-in-training) to the bank and we saw an ambulance race by, with its lights flashing.

I said, "Hey boys, look at the ambulance!"
Jonathon said, "What is an ambulance for?"
I corrected his grammar and said, "For what purpose is an ambulance used?" Ha, ha...just kidding. I told him, "If someone gets hurt very badly, and they need to get to the hospital very quickly, they call an ambulance to take them."
"Why do they need to go to the hospital?" he queried.
"Because if they don't get the doctor to fix them up, they might die."
He thought for a minute. "We won't need to go to the hospital...if we die, we will go to heaven...we won't want to ride in an ambulance, that would be silly!"

So, there's your child-like perspective for the day.

And, uh...speaking of hospitals, Agent M. has been discharged, although her condition hasn't really changed much. She has pain medication and orders to stay in THE bed.


Blogger lis said...

Please convey my moan of sympathy to M.

Meanwhile, I'll keep praying!

1/17/2007 02:11:00 PM  

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