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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rosy Barbs

I watched this soccer DVD last night, and I just have to say that I would give my right leg to be able to bicycle kick like that...

Sometime during the last two weeks, my eldest son celebrated his sixth birthday. And as six-year olds are often wont to do, he celebrated his natal day by receiving monetary gifts. Nothing significant enough, mind you, to finance his education at MIT, but big to him, nonetheless. So yesterday, we sat down to determine what he would do with this moolah. A six-year old's financial plan, as it were.

He decided, mostly on his own, to give some money to God, to rent a movie, and to buy a remote-controlled bulldozer. If he had any money left over, he would save it. God, movies, and bulldozers; apparently, he is more ready for adult-hood than I thought.

On the way to town, though, he began to have second thoughts about the movie. He wanted a pet fish, instead. So, it was off to the pet store. He read the sign: "P-e-t-c-o. That can't be right." But it was right and they even sold fish. So, he bought two of them. He bought two fish, and this is the clearest indication yet that he is destined for a career naming rock bands, and I am not making this up, that are called Rosy Barbs, and he named them Wiggle and Splat. (This makes me wonder why humans can't have a more interesting name. What's so exciting about 'Human'? Why couldn't we be called 'Rosy Barbs'? It would fit some people I know, anyway...)

So, our household has grown by two members, but it is really anyone's guess at this point how long the Wiggle and Splat combo will survive the bulldozer. We'll see.


Blogger Booker said...

I give poor Wiggle and Splats about a week :-)

5/19/2007 12:25:00 PM  
Blogger Claire said...

For a second I thought J named one of them "Rosy Barbs." Wow- Wiggle and Splat- how apropos.

This post made me chuckle audibly.
( As opposed to "laugh out loud" which is a term I do not care for.)

5/19/2007 12:29:00 PM  

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